I recently have come across a question while working on Statistical Mechanics. The question itself was quite straight forward (no this is not a "do my homework" question in case you were wondering) and the answer was quite intuitive which agreed to the given solution in this book page 248, however I have a question regarding assumed definitions/concepts. The question reads as follows:
A one dimensional chain is hung on a ceiling. One of its extremes is fixed, while the other holds a mass $M$. Gravity is acting along the negative $z$ direction. The chain is formed by two kinds of distinguishable rings: they are ellipses with the major axis oriented vertically or horizontally. The major and minor axes have lengths $l + a$ and $l − a$ respectively. The number of rings is fixed to $N$ and the chain is in thermal equilibrium at temperature $T$. Find the average energy and the average length of the chain. Comment on both low and high temperature results.
Now my question is this, is the temperature $T$ the real physical temperature that we talk about when considering the rest of thermodynamics or is it something else that is acting like a "temperature"?
The reason I ask this is because it seems to be a bit out of the ordinary for temperature to interact in such a manner with what is essentially a mechanical system. For example at high temperatures one even obtains an analogue of Curie's Law $\frac{\partial \langle L\rangle}{\partial w}=\frac{Na^2}{k_b T}$ where $w=Mg$. Am I wrong in interpreting this as saying that increasing the temperature lowers the weight's contribution to the average length?