very new here - first question in fact.
So, don't be fooled by the title of my question. I understand that the Bell Paradox - and non-locality - prevents information being exchanged in a faster than light matter.
So, Spaceman A on Neptune, cannot send a morse-coded message to Earth using quantum entangled particles - the need to force a particle to choose a state releases the entangled particle at the other end from behaving (instantaneously) in a determined matter. Information from Spaceman A cannot be sent from Neptune to Earth at faster than light.
But - my question is - who cares about spaceman - or any conscious entity sending information - -the fact is the entangled particles themselves are affected at faster than light speed. Particle A observed on Neptune at midday will have the same state of spin as Particle B observed at an equal time on Earth. The observation and confirmation of the fact takes place retrospectively - but this doesn't detract from the fact that the wavefunction will be demonstrated to have collapsed simultaneously across a vast distance - something is acting on them at faster than light speed.
Any thoughts, or comments to explain why this is wrong, greatfully recieved !!