So I am looking at this paper (Instability and control of a periodically-driven Bose-Einstein condensate) and I am interested in solving equation 8, which reads $$i\frac{d}{dt}\begin{bmatrix} u(t)\\v(t) \end{bmatrix}=L(q,t)\begin{bmatrix} u(t)\\v(t) \end{bmatrix}$$ It is then stated
To find the corresponding Floquet states, we numerically evolve Eq. 8 over one period of driving, using the 2x2 identity matrix as the initial state. The result of this procedure is the single-period propagator U. The eigenstates of U are then the excitation Floquet states, while its eigenvalues are related to the excitation quasienergies via $\lambda_i=\exp[−\epsilon_iTi]$.
I am confused as to how to do this. I have tried just solving for u(t) and v(t) through coupled differential equations, but from there I am not sure if I just say that I can solve the earlier equation
we now introduce a perturbation $\alpha_n(t) > =\alpha_n^{(0)}(t) (1+u(t)\exp[iqn]+v^*(t)\exp[−iqn])$
For $\alpha(t)$ and say that $\alpha_n(t)=\alpha_n(0)\exp[-i\lambda_n(t)T]$. Since when I numerically solve the matrix equation, i get a number (for n=0) for $\alpha(T)$ that I can just invert and solve for.
I appreciate any advice on how to perform the time evolution and find the U matrix!