I consider two subsystems with the number of microstates $\Gamma_1(U_1)$ and $\Gamma_2(U_2)$ and their energies $U_1$ and $U_2$ respectively. The subsystems can exchange energy so that the total energy of the system is $U=U_1+U_2$. It is also given that $\ln \Gamma (U) = S(U)/k_\mathrm{B}$
Now we have the entropies given by $S_1(U_1) = -a_1 (U_1 - U_1^{0})^{2}$ and $S_2(U_2) = -a_2(U_2-U_2^{0})^{2}$ with $a_1 > 0$, $a_2 >0$. And I want to calculate the entropy of the system $S(U)$.
My idea:
\begin{align*} S(U) = k_\mathrm{B} \left( S_1 (U_1) + S_2 (U_2) \right) = k_\mathrm{B} \left(-a_1 (U_1 - U_1^{0})^{2}+ -a_2(U_2-U_2^{0})^{2}\right) \end{align*}
Is it that easy?
Please help me, because I think it's too easy my solution.