I'm studying the component representation of tensor algebra alone. There is a exercise question but I cannot solve it and cannot deduce answer from the text. The text is concise, I think it assumes a bit of familiarity with the knowledge.
(a) Convert the following expressions and equations into geometric, index-free notation: $A^αB_{γβ} ;\; A_αB_γ^{\;β} ;\; S_α^{\;βγ}=S^{γβ}_{\quadα} ;\; A^αB_\alpha=A_αB^βg^α_{\;β}$
In this problem, I can't see any difference between first two expressions except for the index position, and my only solution for the expression of index position is using metric tensor $g$, which I think is included in slot-naming notation. Is "index-free" notation able to express the difference? Other expressions are similarly confusing for me.
(b) Convert $\mathbf T(\_,\mathbf S(\mathbf R(\vec C,\_),\_),\_)$ into slot-naming index notation.
I think this notation would be not so universal notation. These problem are from http://www.pmaweb.caltech.edu/Courses/ph136/yr2012/1202.1.K.pdf (Ex 2.7, pg 19) and the help of anyone who is familiar with the notation would be appreciated.