Let $S^4$ be a round sphere of radius 1 (with the standard Riemannian round metric), and let $D_\text{F} \equiv \gamma^\mu \nabla_\mu$ be the Dirac operator on $S^4$, acting on the usual spinors for the Riemannian metric.
I wonder what is its Green's function $G_\text{F}$ on $S^4$, given by the equation $ D_\text{F} G_\text{F}(x)_{\alpha \beta} = \delta_{S^4}(x) \delta_{\alpha \beta}?$
I happen to know the Green's function for the conformally coupled scalar, namely Green's function $G_\text{B}$ for $$\Delta_\text{scalar} \equiv - \nabla^\mu \nabla_\mu + 2$$ acting on scalar functions. But I think $\gamma^\mu \nabla_\mu \gamma^\nu \nabla_\nu$ slightly differs from $\Delta_\text{scalar}$ by a constant proportional to the $S^4$ scalar curvature, so it's not obvious to me how to get $G_\text{F}$ from $G_\text{B}$ (which we do all the time on flat space).
So more generally, I'd like to know the Green's function for the Dirac operator on $S^n$.
References and suggestions will be great!