In short: I handled a small amount of uranium when I was young and kept it next to me in a bottle for years. Should I be concerned?
The background is that when I was a young (10-ish), I was growing crystals and doing other chemical experiments. To help me, my Dad procured from his work several little plastic bottles of chemicals, given to him by one of the chemists where he worked. (This was in the 1960s - things were different back then!) One bottle was labelled as a salt of Uranium. I cannot quite remember the salt but I think it was labelled something like U(Ac)n - sorry I could not do the subscript ; I cannot remember what the n was. It was a yellow powder. I only used a little of the uranium and kept the rest in my room. Later, age 18, I told my chemistry teacher I had some uranium and he would not believe me, so I brought it to school. The teacher put it next to a geiger counter which registered a lot of activity and my teacher was shocked and said I ought not to have been carrying it around in my pocket. Neither he nor I knew what ion Ac was supposed to be - we assumed the chemist was using some shorthand of his own. So how much radiation was I exposed to? The bottle contained about two milliliters (so I suppose there was a couple of grams) and was within ten feet of me for 12 hours a day for 8 years or so and for a couple of days it was in my pocket and I must have handled it with my bare hands a couple of times. I seem to be very healthy. Should I be worried?