This is an interesting question. My first sense was to say this is negative. However, maybe the Higgs branch for symmetries for gauge symmetry if equal to that for the Higgs on the color symmetries of fermions of that force. This is maybe an interesting research topic. It may have been pursued, maybe within the context of technicolor. I outline a possible way this might in fact be correct.
I will start with the definition of the Higgs field on its vacuum. We know that for a standard quantum field, such as that with the Lagrangian ${\cal L}~=~\frac{1}{2}|\partial\phi|^2~-~\frac{1}{2}|\phi|^2$ has an orbit in the quadratic potential that has nonzero energy, and is at the vacuum $\langle\phi\rangle~=~0$ when the field is zero. Contrary to that with the Higgs the potentially
has a minimum, found by evaluating $\partial V(\phi)/\partial\phi~=~0$, that gives a set of vacua at the fields $|\phi|^2~=~\mu/2\lambda$. This is the same as defining a set of complex numbers that have a modulus or magnitude on a circle in the complex plane. This is a set of vacua that occur for Higgs field that are non-zero. This means the vacuum configuration of the Higgs field is nonzero, which is a condensate
Condensates occur with symmetry breaking or with statistical sets of degenerate states.
The field is degenerate according to $\Phi(x)~=~\phi(x)~-~C\mathbb I$, for $C$ a constant with respect to $\phi$, so that
\langle\Phi\rangle~=~\langle\phi\rangle~-~C\langle\mathbb I\rangle,
leading to $\langle\phi\rangle~=~C$
This is a bit of a sketch, but I might argue it is the case the color gauge and flavor fermion branches of the Higgs are isomorphic. Now propose an elementary scheme where the fields $\Phi(x)$ and $\phi(x)$ are related by unitarity $\Phi(x)~=~U\phi(x)U^\dagger$, where $U~=~e^{f({\cal O})(a-a^\dagger)}$, where $a$ and $a^\dagger$ are the raising and lowing operators for $\phi$ at an IR momentum $k_0$. Further, $f({\cal O})$ represents the following:
f({\cal O})(a-a^\dagger)~=~\epsilon A(a-a^\dagger)
f({\cal O})(a-a^\dagger)~=~\epsilon b^\dagger(a-a^\dagger)b.
The first of these reflects the gauged derivative $D_\mu\phi~=~\partial_\mu\phi~+~A\phi$, in particular the $A\phi$, and the second is a cryptic form of the Yukawa Lagrangian ${\cal L}_y~=~\bar\psi H\psi$. Now consider $\epsilon~<<~1$ and this becomes
\phi~=~\Phi~+~\epsilon f({\cal O})([a,~\Phi]~-~[a^\dagger,~\Phi]).
A Fourier expansion of the field
leads then to
\phi~=~\Phi~+~2\epsilon f({\cal O})cos(k_0x),
where for the gauge or fermion case we have $f({\cal O})~=~A$ or $b^\dagger b$.
This means that gauge field and fermion sectors track each other. The moduli space for the gauge sector appears identical to that of the flavor sector. It might even be argued if there are Gribov ambituities with the gauge branch these carry over to the fermion branch. This is an interesting set of problems to look into.