Lightning is supposed to have killed 322 reindeer within an area that's about 50-80 meters in diameter on a mountain plateau in Norway. Nearly the entire herd died.
Photo: Warning: graphic content!
I'm struggling to comprehend how this can be possible within the laws of physics. I mean, I suppose it must be, as I'm not sure if there is any other possible explanation. But I'm asking how the idea that they were killed by lightning can be explained to be possible according to the laws of physics.
How could the electricity travel between the animals? Wouldn't the reindeer have had to stand extremely close together? While the photo above does seem pretty crowded, it does also look like there would have been gaps between many of the animals. Or must they all have been touching each other directly? If not, what kind of distances are possible?
Assuming that all of the 322 animals were forming a continuous chain, would the electricity from a single strike travel all the way through all of them? Or would it instead go into the ground before going all the way through that chain?
Are multiple strikes of lightning a possibility? How likely is this?
Could water have been involved somehow? (Apart from the water within the animals.)