I'm having trouble understanding a single step in Lancaster's book. In Chapter 16, the propagator is derived and proved to be the Green's function of the Schrodinger equation. The derivation is pretty straightforward, but I don't understand this one step (Equation 16.27):
$\left(\hat{H}_x - i \frac{\partial}{\partial t_x}\right)G^{+}(x,t_x,y,t_y) = -i\delta(t_x - t_y)\sum_n \phi_n(x) \phi_n(y)^* e^{-i E_n (t_x - t_y)} = -i\delta(t_x - t_y)\delta(x - y),$
where $\hat{H}_x$ is the Hamitlonian (only acting on $x$), $G^{+}$ is the retarded propagator, and the $\phi_n$ are the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian with eigenvalues $E_n$. I don't see how the sum is turned into a delta function in the last step. Is there some identity I'm missing? Any help is appreciated.