tl;dr: I have an expression like this: (dramatization) $$ R_{\mu\nu} = \begin{pmatrix} B^{00}C_{00} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & B^{11}C_{10} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & B^{22}C_{20} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & B^{33}C_{30} \end{pmatrix}, $$ and I want to express it compactly within the confines of (implied summation) tensor notation. Preferrably in a way which can be safely substituted for $R_{\mu\nu}$ inside larger expressions (modulo index renaming). Halp.
The following attempt at an expression is dangerous:
$$ R_{\mu\nu} = B^{\alpha\alpha}C_{\alpha0} \delta^\alpha_\mu\delta^\alpha_\nu$$
This breaks the general rule of thumb that an implied sum must always be between exactly two copies of the same free index (preferably one upper, one lower); here we have five! More importantly, by breaking this rule, we have thrown away our ability to look at arbitrary subexpressions and evaluate them out of context.
For instance, in any equation which follows the "two copy rule," it would be perfectly valid to substitute $\delta^\alpha_\mu\delta^\alpha_\nu=\delta^\mu_\nu$ regardless of context, because we know the full scope of $\alpha$. This is not the case in the above expression. Simply put, breaking this rule leads to madness, and I'm not one to enjoy setting myself up for error!
So what alternatives do I have?
I can write out the elements explicitly... \begin{align*} R_{\mu\nu} & = 0 \qquad (\mu \ne \nu) \\ R_{00} & = B^{00}C_{00} \qquad\qquad\qquad R_{11} = B^{11}C_{10} \\ R_{22} & = B^{22}C_{20} \qquad\qquad\qquad R_{33} = B^{33}C_{30} \end{align*} But I can't substitute this into other expressions, and it is hardly compact!
I can expand the "dangerous expression" above into something safe... $$ R_{\mu\nu} = B^{00}C_{00}\delta^0_\mu\delta^0_\nu +B^{11}C_{10}\delta^1_\mu\delta^1_\nu +B^{22}C_{20}\delta^2_\mu\delta^2_\nu +B^{33}C_{30}\delta^3_\mu\delta^3_\nu $$ which can be substituted for $R\mu\nu$ in other expressions, but geeze... what a mouthful!
What if I write an explicit sum to make it stand out?
$$ R_{\mu\nu} = \sum_\alpha\left(B^{\alpha\alpha}C_{\alpha0} \delta^\alpha_\mu\delta^\alpha_\nu\right) $$
If I did this, would it be reasonable? I mean, like, does anybody ever do this?...
So I'm out of ideas. What do I do?