In reference to Problem 9, Chapter 2 in Modern Quantum Mechanics by JJ Sakurai,
For a single particle tunneling in a 1D double well potential, with position eigenkets $\mid R\rangle$, $\mid L\rangle$. A general state can be written as: $$ \mid \alpha \rangle=\mid R\rangle\langle R\mid\alpha\rangle + \mid L\rangle\langle L\mid\alpha\rangle $$ The particle can tunnel through the barrier and it says that this tunneling effect can be characterized by the Hamiltonian: $$ H=\Delta\bigg(\mid L\rangle\langle R\mid+\mid R\rangle\langle L\mid\bigg) $$
With the given information the problem can be easily solved as $$ \Delta=+E\\ \mid E+\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\big(\mid R\rangle+\mid L\rangle\big) $$ and $$ \Delta=-E\\ \mid E-\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\big(\mid R\rangle-\mid L\rangle\big) $$
But how do we came to know the form of the Hamiltonian for tunneling is the one given above in the first place?