I recall in Highschool physics receiving a problem of the form "assume 2 spherical bodies" $P_1, P_2$ enter a collision where $P_1$ has momentum $m_1 V_1$ and $P_2$ has momentum $m_2 V_2$, both kinetic energy and momentum are conserved and neither changes any medium except the motion of these bodies.
The solution I though was very simple, we have that
$$ m_1 V_1 +m_2 V^2 = m_1 V_1 ' + m_2 V_2 ' $$
$$ m_1 ||V_1||^2 + m_2 ||V_2||^2 = m_1 ||V_1'||^2 + m_2 ||V_2'||^2$$
But now I realized that if $V_i, V_i' \in \mathbb{R}^n$ where $n > 1$ this system may have multiple solutions of $V_1', V_2'$.
For example if a very large body slams into a very small body both headed directly towards each other, you can either completely transfer momentums and kinetic energy, or partially transfer (some average) of momentum and kinetic energy to each body, (now assuming rigid they cannot have a direction vector towards each other) so they move in opposite directions.
But why is complete transfer so much more common in my intuition and textbooks than say 50% of total energy/momentum entering the little body and the other 50% to the big, or even weirder things like $e^{\pi}$%. From a conservation viewpoint these could all be fair game I would think, yet they don't happen.
What law is deciding this?