I'm trying to graph a bounce with respect to time. I have these formulas:
$\frac 12 mV_2^2 = mgH_2$
$H_2 = \frac{1}{2} \frac{V_2^2}{g}$
I will have a series of $H(t)$ formulas as I know how to get the next bounce's initial velocity (last bounce's final velocity * -(coefficient of restitution)).
Is there a way to get an H(t) formula from these? I am not a physicist, but a computer science teacher. I have thoughts, but I am not sciencey enough to figure it out.
Velocity is distance / time (position? / time). Would that mean that:
$\frac 12 mV_2^2 = mgH_2$ =>
$mV_2^2 = 2mgH_2$ =>
$V_2^2 = 2gH_2$ =>
$V_2 = \sqrt{2gH_2}$ =>
$d/t = \sqrt{2gH_2}$ =>
$d = \frac{\sqrt{2gH_2}}{t}$
Does that work?