A photon is a certain amount of energy carrying momentum. That is what we know for sure. We also know that Maxwells equations can model an electromagnetic field that can carry waves. Waves are characterized by wavelength (a spacial value) and frequency ( a time value). Planck's Gedankenexperiment imagined a hollow body where the walls carried oscillators that can be excited by exchanging energy with the electromagnetic field inside the body.
In §3 he breaks the energy Un into a finite number of parts.
He assumed the integral energy of the field to be distributed to different energy levels that are multiples of a certain base energy. His idea was to bring this base energy in the limit to zero to so get a continous spectrum. He then had to realize that this limit can not be reached and so discovered the quantum of action.
Later Einstein and Bose replaced the oscillators by the cavity itself as in any cavity there will be standing waves that are harmonics to a base frequency which is determined by the dimension of the cavity and the speed of light.
Planck himself remarked, that the base energy is arbitray, that is, the energy levels are only determined by the imaginated oscillators. So if you assume the base frequency is halved, the energy difference is halfed also, the number of spectral lines is doubled. But that doesn't change the outcome, the formula of the black body radiation.
So what we know for sure (energy, momentum, spin) doesn't necessarily imply a quantized field, but anyway interaction of matter with the field is.
Any try to imagine a photon as a travelling "wavelet" of a given wavelength leads to a paradox: if there is a wavelet, a fourier transform can determine the frequency spectrum of said wavelet, but a spectrum must consist of different frequencies, a.k. photons. What is a contradiction in its own.
But we all know by experience, that an exitation without a frequency can exist: any rope creates a pulse when lifted up and back again and this pulse looks like a Gaussian. A Gaussian indeed has no period to determine a frequency but as the FT created another Gaussian it can be thought to contain every frequency.
So taking what we know for sure there is an electromagnetic field thinkable that is a continuum but can be quantized by oscillator (matter) when interacting with the field.
One interesting fact is, that gravity also interacts with the field and exchanges energy continously.
To show how a close to perfect sin-wave is created by repeated emission of a pulse:
If you care about the shift in Y you can alternate the sign:
Now it's not such a nice sinoid, but this can be cured by changing the center of the time offset:
As the function look like a cosine, you can substract cosine to see the residual:
Obviously there is now a negative cosine component so we adjust the amplitude:
what nearly cancels out the sinoidal in the center, but we have a third harmonic left. By recursion this harmonic can be eliminated to have the 9th as a residual..
The point with the Gaussians is: the FT of a Gaussian is a Gaussian of same standard deviation (normalized) but with a phase rotating proportionally to the shift. So if you define an interval to represent the Gaussian, this interval defines the base frequency and all the harmonics shift by a constantly increasing value so adding the two Gaussians eliminated all odd harmonics etc.
As this visualization of the generation of a wave by induced emission of gaussian peaks combines the continuum of a field with an quantized interaction to me this answers some questions I do no longer raise.
Reality needs three dimensions so there has to be another solution. I do not know how to handle vortices, but as vortex cannons can produce directed wavelets that should be a candidate.
Vortices are known from quantum fluids like superfluid helium. Being curious I just googled this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlEQbPSbYTQ and find it inspiring. So the math obviously exists.