I have seen other questions regarding the mentioned topic. I want an answer to be different in some ways from the answers that were posted in response to the related questions.
What exactly are self-force and self-energy? I have read that a charged particle cannot interact with its own field. This statement of course indicates that a field is not simply a number (the force function defined at every point, with which a particle would be acted on if placed there) but it is something else. Now, I would like to know how did the expectation of a particle's interaction with its own field came about and what led it to be discarded? I would request for a complete definition of an $E$-field that would encompass the whole physical picture of it.
From the answers to some of my last questions I have gotten the information (or let's say fact) that in the advanced theory, namely QFT, fields are more fundamental but at the time these ideas were being dealt there was no QFT, so would like to hear classical perspective in this matter of interaction of a particle with its own field. (I also wonder how it would be to compare this problem of fields to Russell's paradox in set theory)