In Quantum Field Theory by Mark Srednicki chapter 3 and 4, he constructs Lorentz invariant theory for scalar field by assuming that the scalar field transforms by $$\tag1U(\Lambda)^{-1}\phi(x)U(\Lambda) = \phi(\Lambda^{-1}x)$$ and then he finds equation that is Lorentz invariant under transformation.
The equation that he finds is namely the Klein-Gordon equation, which for the real field produces $$\tag2 \phi(x) = \int d\tilde{k} a(\mathbf{k})e^{ikx} + a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})e^{-ikx}$$ as a solution.
He then defines $$\phi^+ =\int d\tilde{k} a(\mathbf{k})e^{ikx} $$ and$$\phi^- =\int d\tilde{k} a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})e^{-ikx} $$.
He then says, because $\phi$ transforms to $\phi(\Lambda^{-1}x)$ and $a(\mathbf{k})$ transforms to $a(\Lambda^{-1}\mathbf{k})$, $\phi^+$ also transforms to $\phi^+(\Lambda^{-1}x)$, and is thus a Lorentz scalar.
What I am confused about is, while I agree that $\phi^+$ transforms like that and is thus a Lorentz scalar, I don't understand his reason. $\phi^+$ does not transform in such a way because of $\phi$ or $a$, but because it's a scalar field, no? In this context, doesn't scalar field always transform in such fashion and is thus always a Lorentz scalar? Why does he say the transformation rule of $\phi^+$ comes from the transformation rule of $\phi$ and $a$?