I found two notions of states for second quantization.
One representation uses occupation numbers here, for example
Another one creates the n+1 th particle in a collection of n existent states. see for instance here.
Now, the problem is that in the first case the creation operator does $a_k^{\dagger} |N_1,N_2,..\rangle = \sqrt{N_k+1 } |N_1,N_2,..,N_{k}+1,..\rangle$ and in the latter case $a_k^{\dagger} |n\rangle = \sqrt{n+1 } |n+1 \rangle.$
So the action of this operator is very different depending on whether you write down the states in terms of their occupation number or whether you write them in terms of the ensemble of all the existing states.
Unfortunately, I just don't get how these two pictures are related to each other.
If anything is unclear, please let me know.