The force exerted on one spring is $\vec{F}=-k\vec{r}$. Now suppose we have N slinkys with stiffness $k_1,k_2,k_3,...,k_N$ where they have one end tied to fixed points in space with coordinates $R_1,R_2,R_3,...R_N$ and the other end tied on a point mass m. How would I find the expression for the force on the point mass when it is a point with coordinate vector $\vec{r}$. There is also gravity with strength $\vec{g}$
I read somewhere online that I can treat the N slinkys (I'm assuming they're parallel) as one large slinky. Therefore, $k_{eq}=k_1+k_2+...+k_N$. Then $F_{total}=-k_{eq}\vec{r}$ Could I do the same with coordinates? So that the total force is $\vec{F}=-k_{eq}+\vec{g}$. Any help is appreciated.