The truth is that neither Newton nor Einstein actually explained gravitational attraction. They both gave us some equations, but neither gave the explanation concerning the true mechanism of the underlying force. (That's why physics is still so desperately trying to unite GR and QM, and why it cannot get rid of the concept of the graviton.)
Newton simply gave us the equation for a force working at a distance. We can calculate the acceleration an apple is given by the Earth, but we are not explained how the apple knows that several meters away is a much more „massive” (whatever that means) body and what is so attractive about this bigger buddy that our beautiful apple decides to come closer and socialize with him.
Einstein took a shot at it, and he brought the distance much closer, but still failed to explain the very force. Because curvature of space(time) itself simply cannot make an apple move (toward another body or just toward a point). If curvature produces movement, it is only because there is gravitation underneath it. That's why an apple put on the ground rolls down the slope. It takes curvature (of the ground) and also it takes gravitation under (the ground) to do that. If you remove the force and leave only the curvature ... nothing happens to the apple; it will stay right where it was until it experiences real force. So curvature cannot replace gravitational pull, it cannot replace a real force. (Should somebody invoke the Einstein tensor her, please read through first, as I refer to this later on).
You might also learn that making space into space-time changes everything. That adding the time component to space makes things move. And if you still cannot understand how it possibly happens, you will be sent to visualizations showing time is orthogonal to all physical dimensions and told that in space-time we are in constant movement through either one or all of the four dimensions, yet always through time (except for light). So we are actually in constant movement anyway. But how do we know this? Well, nobody is likely to even ask this question, as we are all just so much used to graphs of acceleration (or simple velocity) showing time as orthogonal to the $x$ axis, which makes a beautiful visualization of the changing speed in the form of a curve to which we reply: „Oh, now I get it! Now I know how acceleration works”. Only that when we see a car accelerate on the street, its marks leave no curve. They go just straight as a whistle. So time appears not to be orthogonal to any physical dimension. Therefore the visualization is not real, and we cannot infer any conclusions from it. Because time simply doesn't make things move. Time is rather an indicator of movement. And it is rather movement needed to explain time operationally.
This might be objected to with arguments that the movement is produced by the energy expressed by the Einstein tensor resulting from the stress-energy tensor. Well, I tried to address this issue here: At which point of the universe $R_{\mu \nu}=0$ if there is a source of gravitation (point mass). From Muphrid's answer and the following discussion, you can see that even Einstein's field equations are admitted to be "incomplete", and actually misleading. Textbooks say the equation shows the curvature of space(time) through the Ricci tensor, metric tensor and cosmological constant. If you inquire further, however, you will be told the equation does not actually refer to the space at all, but to matter only ... You will be told that the full space curvature is described by the Riemann tensor consisting of the Ricci tensor (null for the vacuum) and the Weyl tensor. But if you then decide to dig even more and ask the quite obvious question, whether the Weyl tensor is the one responsible for the space curvature that makes massive bodies come together, the answer is ... silence ...
Yet another attempt at explanation is the hypothetical graviton which would „mediate” the gravitational field. However, it still isn't explained how this „mediation” should make things move at all, especially that graviton has no mass to exert any real force on the apple (and how this force would work backwards, against the the direction of the movement of the force „carrier”?).
Obviously, physics is not very eager to admit all that, which is quite
understandable. It has produced tons of esoteric concepts, maths, fixes, but still no answer as to the basics.
So, going back to the question: Who explained gravity better – Newton or Einstein, the answer is again, neither. To me Newton's version, with all is deficiencies, was at least more honest and did not pretend to have solved the problem it didn't. Because gravity is still action at the distance, and only the Newton's void between two attracting bodies has been now filled with tons of exciting maths that explains exactly nothing.
As a follow-up, I think you should see my answer here: Why Newton's law of universal gravitation is a valid law? What causes any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force? and watch Feynman's video linked.
To make sure, this is not tell that physics is totally useless and all cheat. All I mean is that physics had better admitted it does not know certain fundamental things, and not just because they cannot be known or that they are metaphysics. Because such a reply means simply evading the answer. And failing to seek answers makes physics fully exposed to complete surprises such as „dark matter”. The miscalculation of the matter-energy of the Universe by some 95% is a clear evidence of its deficits in this area. For the real strength of any science is demonstrated not through developing beautiful multi-level mathematical theories, but through predicting events and phenomena. The deficit of mass-energy of this magnitude is perhaps the best indicator that physics should get interested in the most fundamental questions, such as gravity, yet be fully aware of the fact that mathematical tricks like messenger particles are not going to get it anywhere. Physics needs to decide if it wants to solve problems or just be occupied by them.