I am currently reading this paper. I understand how the Bloch sphere $S^2$ is presented as a geometric representation of the observables of a two-state system:
$$ \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle \quad \alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{C} \quad \longrightarrow \{(\langle\sigma_x\rangle ,\langle\sigma_y\rangle ,\langle\sigma_z\rangle )\} = S^2 \subset\mathbb{R}^3$$
I also understand how $S^3$ is presented as a geometric representation of the same two-state system:
$$ \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle \quad \alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{C} \quad \longrightarrow {(Re(\alpha),Im(\alpha),Re(\beta),Im(\beta))}=S^3 \subset \mathbb{R}^4$$
I see that the Bloch sphere representation loses the information about a global phase, but I do not understand why we need a non-trivial (Hopf) fibration of $S^3$ to preserve this phase information. Why can't we simply assign to every point of the Bloch sphere a phase $e^{i\phi}$? Why does the two-state system demand a non-trivial fibration (and why specifically the Hopf fibration)?
PS (and a possible partial answer): Since the Bloch sphere contains all of the observable information about the system, the $S^3$ representation has to be "decomposable" into pieces such that one of the pieces is the Bloch sphere. Since $S^3\not = S^2\otimes S^1$, we need a more complicated decomposition, e.g. the Hopf fibration. But this still leaves the question: is there no other decomposition of $S^3$ that will do the trick?