I'm not a physicist or have much experience in engineering. However, for a programming task, I need to change code that calculates "pressure, head, feet of fluid, gauge" into "meters of head, absolute". I also need to change a flow rate calculated as volume flow into mass flow.
I believe this requires several changes all in one:
- Gauge to absolute: add one atmospheric pressure to the gauge reading to get the absolute reading
- Imperial to metric: this is where I'm not sure.
- Volume to mass: probably requires information about the temperature and mass of the liquid involved.
Foot to meter could be a conversion scale of about 3.28 (3.3 feet per meter.) Or, it could be pressure in PSI (?) converted to Pascals. My reading of various sites talks wildly in terms of gallons and pounds, units I'm moderately unfamiliar with, and while I can convert one gallon to one liter easily that doesn't seem to be what's required here. Also, it is pressure in fluid and I believe, from my little engineering knowledge, that's specified and calculated and converted in a different way to pressure in gas. There may be temperature and mass values depending on what the liquid actually is. For example, this site's conversion methods specify temperature and water. I also have to convert volume flow to mass flow - again something I'm not sure about - and I'm certain that the specific liquid involved matters there.
How do I convert these units correctly?