This is covered (in two pieces) in Chapter 4 of Wald's General Relativity for the Maxwell field; I'll adapt his proof here.
We start with the equation $(\nabla^a \nabla_a + m^2) \Phi = 0$. Let us look for a solution to this equation of the form
\Phi = \Phi_0 e^{iS},
where $S$ is a real-valued function and $\Phi_0$ is "slowly varying" compared to $S$. This is the standard sort of "geometrical optics" approximation; in practical terms, it means that we can ignore any derivatives of $\Phi_0$. Thus, we have
\nabla_a \Phi = \Phi_0 e^{iS} (i \nabla_a S)\quad \Rightarrow \quad \nabla^a \nabla_a \Phi + m^2 \Phi = \Phi_0 e^{iS} \left[ m^2 - (\nabla^a S) (\nabla_a S) + i \nabla^a \nabla_a S \right] = 0.
Both the imaginary and real parts of the quantity in square brackets above must vanish:
m^2 = (\nabla^a S) (\nabla_a S), \qquad \nabla^a \nabla_a S = 0.
If we let $k_a = \nabla_a S$, the first equation implies that $k_a k^a = m^2$, as we expect. Moreover, if we take the derivative of both sides of the first equation, we get
0 &= \nabla_b \left[ (\nabla^a S) (\nabla_a S) \right] \\
&= 2 \nabla^a S \nabla_b \nabla_a S && \text{(product rule)} \\
&= 2 \nabla^a S \nabla_a \nabla_b S && \text{(derivatives commute on scalars)} \\
&= 2 k^a \nabla_a k_b,
and so the vector $k_a$ satisfies the geodesic equation.