The part described by many that "propagation speed of light is always an absolute", IMO is wrong. Moving gun firing a bullet example, compared to moving flashlight are the same exactly if the light has not reached yet the remote observer (Galilean Relativity, light's $1st$ wavefront reaches sooner the observer when flashlight or observer is moving towards each other).
However, because macroscopically, light is a wave then when it already has reached the observer and has engulfed him/her/it, then yes, speed of light propagation is absolute and fixed and independent the observer's or source relative motions and only its frequency and wavelength changes relative to the observer's and source relative motion $c=λf$ (Special Relativity) (Doppler Effect).
But then, how this is different from sound waves? Does the propagation speed of sound changes by the relative motions of the source or observer in the case the observer is already inside and engulfed by these sound waves? The answer is again NO, propagation speed of sound inside the medium remains fixed and only the frequency and wavelength of sound observed changes with the motion of the observer relative to the source.
Personally, IMO, SR theory is actually describing here the Doppler effect of light waves.
Very few even professionals seem to understand this or forget to mention that special relativity theory explaining the moving flashlight relative to an observer "paradox", concerns only continuous plane waves case where the observer is assumed to be already and always inside the light waves.