I'm trying to apply Wald's General Relativity equation $3.1.14$:
$$\nabla_a{T^{b_1\dots b_k}}_{c_1\dots c_{\ell}}=\overline{\nabla}_a{T^{b_1\dots b_k}}_{c_1\dots c_{\ell}}+\sum_i{C^{b_i}}_{ad}{T^{b_1\dots d\dots b_k}}_{c_1\dots c_{\ell}}-\sum_j{C^d}_{ac_j}{T^{b_1\dots b_{\ell}}}_{c_1\dots d\dots c_{\ell}}$$
to the covariant derivative of a 2-form, and I'm having trouble understanding what the notation "$\dots d\dots$" means.
I am familiar with Einstein's summation convention. What is unclear to me is what is the position of the "$d$" index. Does any position work?