Today I notice very weird (for me) phenomenon, I was in open in evening in a garden , and looking at leaves of trees around me.
I1.I see a yellowish glow of sunlight on it along with green colour of leaves.
But I have learnt that when sunlight fall on a colored object, every wavelength colour in spectrum of sunlight got absorbed by object and reflect only that wavelength colour of which colour object is! Example If I have a red ball , sunlight falling on it , every other colour from sunlight got absorb except red, which reflect into eye help us to identify colour of ball.
So if trees leaves are green ,and in evening sunlight is little yellowish(due to absenceof blue colour because if scattered away) , according to Me all colour should get absorb by green leaves except green so only colour from leaves visible should be green.
But there was a golden glow how, does sunlight reflect from rough leaf!
2 Same I notice with a red bulb on my ceiling it is making a rough concrete wall behind glowing red, but wall is black is colour. Again same doubt "if a particular colour object the all colour lights from spectrum from source except the one whose colour object is , than that black wall should absorb red colour . Glow should be visible only If light reflects from it , but that wall is black in colour , why it doesn't absorb red light from bulb . Same even if wall is green , pink etc. All the wavelength light should be absorb except the object's 'colour' one!
Please explain where I am having misconception?
See here Apple and leaf absorb blue colour because it doesn'tmatch to apple colour. Shouldn't the black wall(or any colour) should absorb red light from bulb