Hello I understand how to approach finite potential well (I learned a lot in my other topic here). However i am disturbed by equation which describes number of states $N$ for a finite potential well ( $d$ is a width of a well and $W_p$ is potential ):
$$ N \approx \dfrac{\sqrt{2m W_p}d}{\hbar \pi} $$
I am sure it has something to do with one of the constants $\mathcal L$ or $\mathcal K$ defined this way:
\begin{align} \mathcal L &\equiv \sqrt{\tfrac{2mW}{\hbar^2}} & \mathcal{K}&\equiv \sqrt{ \tfrac{ 2m(W_p-W) }{ \hbar^2 }} \end{align}
and the transcendental equations for ODD and EVEN solutions:
\begin{align} &\frac{\mathcal K}{\mathcal L} = \tan \left(\mathcal L \tfrac{d}{2}\right) &&-\frac{\mathcal L}{\mathcal K} = \tan \left(\mathcal L \tfrac{d}{2}\right)\\ &\scriptsize{\text{transc. eq. - EVEN}} &&\scriptsize{\text{transc. eq. - ODD}} \end{align}
QUESTION: Could anyoeanyone tell me where does 1st equation come from?