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Aug 17, 2020 at 10:41 comment added my2cts @KrešimirBradvica "their [electron] magnetic moment is two times than the maximal possible for an unit charge" This statement assumes that the charge distribution is a uniform sphere. For other distributions a factor of two is achievable.
Aug 17, 2020 at 9:06 comment added Emilio Pisanty @KrešimirBradvica All of those are perfectly reasonable results within quantum mechanics -- if they seem unintuitive that's just because your intuition is based on classical mechanics. The evidence required for a composite structure for the electron would have to be monumental, and far outside the range of anything currently under consideration.
Aug 17, 2020 at 9:03 vote accept Krešimir Bradvica
Aug 17, 2020 at 9:02 comment added Krešimir Bradvica Why then electrons are firmly considered not composed particles vith volume as protons are. What should be discovered to change that. Electrons also have intrinsic precession, Larmour precession, their magnetic moment is two times than the maximal possible for an unit charge... and also there is Compton scattering with high energy photons which are very small in let call it 'cross section' so it would be very difficult for that kind of photons to strike a pointlike electron...... For me this is very confusing.
Aug 17, 2020 at 8:20 history answered Emilio Pisanty CC BY-SA 4.0