To describe the behavior of a relativistic point-particle, we have the standard action $$S=\int d\tau \bigg[\frac{1}{e} \dot X^\mu\dot X_\mu +m^2 e\bigg], $$ where $e$ is the worldline einbein. Then, it has been shown [9510021]arXiv:hep-th/9510021 and [9508136]arXiv:hep-th/9508136 that do describe a spin-1/2 particle, we must supersymmetrize the worldline reparameterization symmetry, yielding $$ S=\int d\tau \bigg[\frac{1}{e} \dot X^\mu\dot X_\mu +\frac{i}{2} \psi^\mu\dot \psi_\mu +\frac{i}{e} \chi \psi^\mu \dot X_\mu \bigg], $$ where $\psi^\mu$ is the SUSY partner of $X^\mu$ and $\chi$ is the SUSY partner of $e$.
Question: How can we construct point-particle actions for higher-spin particles? E.g. what does the the action for a (massive or massless) spin-1 particle or spin-3/2 look like?