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Why can't photons have a mass?

Question Protected by Qmechanic

Why photon can't photons have a mass

Why photon can't photons have a mass? Could you explain this to me in a short and mathematical way?

Why photon can't have a mass

Why photon can't have a mass? Could you explain me in short and mathematical way?

Why can't photons have a mass

Why can't photons have a mass? Could you explain this to me in a short and mathematical way?

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Possible Duplicate:
If photons have no mass, how can they have momentum?

Why photon can't have a mass? Could Could you explain me in short and mathematical way?

Possible Duplicate:
If photons have no mass, how can they have momentum?

Why photon can't have a mass? Could you explain me in short and mathematical way?

Why photon can't have a mass? Could you explain me in short and mathematical way?

Post Reopened by Carl Brannen, user394, QGR, Gerard, Colin K
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Post Closed as "exact duplicate" by gigacyan, user68
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