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Why is Dark Matter not simply explained by QED?

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Why is Dark Matter not simply explained by QED

My understanding is that Dark Matter needs to exist to explain the mass of the universe -- that is, all the observable matter in galaxies are not sufficient to explain the gravitational behavior -- and hence there must be additional matter which is not observable, which is what is called Dark Matter.

After re-reading QED, im at a loss as to why Dark Matter is simply not explained through Quantum Dynamics -- for example, a simple loop like

enter image description here

gives rise to electrons that has mass and anything with mass will exert a gravitational force, and since gravity travels in waves the gravitational force will continue to exist somewhere in space even after the mass of the electron has ceased to exist in the loop.

So, now as a observer at a particular junction of time and space, I will not be able to see any matter because it doesn't exist at that time (or space) only the effect, the gravity caused by the matter, is there

enter image description here

.. but that sounds to me exactly like the description of Dark Matter, and we just need to have the loops happening sufficiently frequent to account for all the missing matter.

So to sum up, why is dark matter not explained through QED?