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If the electron is said to be a charge carrier, then could it lose its charge  ? It wouldn't remain an electron ofcourse ,of course because the charge is one of its important properties  . But am talking about the process of losing its charge .I'm feeling the answer is aboluteabsolutely impossible, but I just want to know why?

If the electron is said to be a charge carrier, then could it lose its charge  ? It wouldn't remain an electron ofcourse , because charge is one of its important properties  . But am talking about the process of losing its charge .I'm feeling the answer is abolute impossible, but I just want to know why?

If the electron is said to be a charge carrier, then could it lose its charge? It wouldn't remain an electron of course because the charge is one of its important properties. But am talking about the process of losing its charge .I'm feeling the answer is absolutely impossible, but I just want to know why?

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Electron losing its charge

If the electron is said to be a charge carrier, then could it lose its charge ? It wouldn't remain an electron ofcourse , because charge is one of its important properties . But am talking about the process of losing its charge .I'm feeling the answer is abolute impossible, but I just want to know why?