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Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
Xiao-Gang Wen
  • Member for 12 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
110 votes

What does it mean for a Hamiltonian or system to be gapped or gapless?

42 votes

Gauge symmetry is not a symmetry?

41 votes

Topological Charge. What is it Physically?

36 votes

Reconciling topological insulators and topological order

24 votes

How Non-abelian anyons arise in solid-state systems?

24 votes

Understanding Elitzur's theorem from Polyakov's simple argument?

23 votes

What is so topological about topological phase transitions?

21 votes

Why does Stephen Hawking say black holes don't exist?

19 votes

Definition of short range entanglement

19 votes

Do Category Theory and/or Quantum Logic add value in physics?

18 votes

Do topological superconductors exhibit symmetry-enriched topological order?

18 votes

What does the term liquid mean in condensed matter physics?

16 votes

What is the relationship between string net theory and string / M-theory?

15 votes

Are elementary particles actually more elementary than quasiparticles?

14 votes

Majorana particles statistics

14 votes

Rigor in quantum field theory

14 votes

Is it possible to make statements about bosonic/fermionic systems by taking the limit $\theta\to \pi$ or $\theta\to 0$, of an anyonic system?

14 votes

How to understand the emergent special relativity in the superfluid?

14 votes

Can spin-1/2 emerge as a property of quasiparticles if original description of the system was without spin?

13 votes

"Topological" notions in physics

13 votes

Would a spin-2 particle necessarily have to be a graviton?

13 votes

What is an "incompressible" quantum liquid?

12 votes

Quantum Hall effect for dummies

12 votes

What is topological degeneracy in condensed matter physics?

12 votes

What is spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum systems?

12 votes

direct sum of anyons?

11 votes

1D topological insulator

10 votes

Simple models that exhibit topological phase transitions

10 votes

Is integer quantum hall state long range entangled state or short range entangled?

10 votes

Phase Structure of (Quantum) Gauge Theory