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Hossein's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

'Slow variation' in WKB approximation as precise mathematical condition

6 votes

Could I, within my lifetime, reach any star I wanted if I went fast enough?

5 votes

Does the Hilbert space include states that are not solutions of the Hamiltonian?

4 votes

Double slit experiment: how to derive the figure of interference?

4 votes

Relationship between Wilson's RG and the Callan-Symanzik Equation's normalization scale

3 votes

Is it possible to simplify this operator? Special case of Hadamard's formula

3 votes

Why does vaporization require more energy, compared to melting?

3 votes

Ginzburg criterion and superconductivity

2 votes

Why $F_\mu V^\mu=0$ in special relativity?

2 votes

Connection between the $\beta$-function and critical exponents

1 vote

How does the creation of Cooper pairs and their condensation explains superconductivity?

1 vote

How to implement perturbation theory without unperturbed Hamiltonian?

1 vote

It is possible to have a drag force which is non-Lipschitz?

1 vote

Why does a degenerate band create a non-analytic band?

1 vote

Born's interpretation for momentum operator

1 vote

Charge distribution on a conductor surface

1 vote

Time-ordered correlation function in an interacting theory

1 vote

Quantum statistics for interacting systems

1 vote

Why discontinuous density of states will cause isolated energy pole when perturbation is applied to it?

1 vote

Thermal Expansion in Isotropic Objects

1 vote

What happens to a quantum harmonic oscillator at $T = 0$?

0 votes

Why is the supercurrent the functional derivative of the Ginzberg Landau free energy with respect to the vector potential?

0 votes

What does "energetically favorable" mean?

0 votes

Evaluation of thermal average with path integral

0 votes

Computing the partition funciton of 2 identical particles in a harmonic oscillator

0 votes

Why is net torque zero in this case?

0 votes

Do the results of statistical mechanics depend upon the choice of macrostates?

0 votes

Problem in solving a differential equation

0 votes

How can we derive equations of collision without momentum

0 votes

Sign of Feynman rules with derivative couplings