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Abhijeet's user avatar
Abhijeet's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
4 votes

Finding current in the circuit

2 votes

How much work do I need to convert 300ml of water from 25°C to 3°C?

1 vote

When we are inside a plane and look outside the window why does everything (outside) appear to be at rest?

1 vote

At what energy consumption would we get a 1 degree rise in the Earth's temperature?

1 vote

One force applied to one point of a rigid body: centre of mass and torque

1 vote

Force on pilot ejecting at supersonic speeds?

1 vote

Which one true in First law of thermodynamics: $Q = \Delta U \pm W = \Delta U \pm p\Delta V$ or $\Delta U= \Delta Q + \Delta W $?

1 vote

Are circles stronger than triangles?

1 vote

Object moving in a circular path without accelerating

0 votes

Why does a ball roll?

0 votes

How is energy converted when massless spring is attached to a rigid support

0 votes

Why does the period/frequency of a fan slow down significantly when I taped a piece of rubber band to it?

0 votes

Does it take more energy to open a door when applying force close to the hinge?

0 votes

What is a "Reversed Effective Force"?

0 votes

Which one acts first: friction or tension?

0 votes

Does the speed of light have a range of speeds due to medium-dependency?

0 votes

Approximating energy loss caused by drag force

0 votes

How does $p=fv$ hold when $v=0$ and an engine is working?

0 votes

Which one is colder? Zero temperature ice or zero temperature water?

0 votes

Why doesn't the ball have rotational energy after it leaves the ramp?

0 votes

Is battery the supplier of charge in an electric circuit?

0 votes

Object Pushed by Multiple Forces

0 votes

Why is Earth's gravitational pull only at its center?

0 votes

Why are magnets made in only a few shapes?

0 votes

What theories or formulas are involved with velocity

0 votes

Lower limit value of electric force

0 votes

Why doesn't a magnet on a refrigerator slide down?

-1 votes

How to explain the momentum exchange of two solid particles collision at molecular scale?

-1 votes

Can we see a rainbow on moon or any other celestial body?

-1 votes

Ohmic and non-ohmic conductors