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jayann's user avatar
jayann's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

What are the 'types' of parametric down conversion?

7 votes

What is $g^{(2)}$ in the context of quantum optics? And how is it calculated?

4 votes

Mirror that flips polarisation?

4 votes

How are the field operator and quantum state after a beam splitter and a polarizing beam splitter individually?

4 votes

Efficiencies of Coupling Light into a Fiber

4 votes

Advantage of taking qutrits in place of qubits

3 votes

How to produce a loss-free combination of two "identical" beams?

3 votes

Linear polarization measurement - what QM observable is measured?

3 votes

Laser beam photon counting

3 votes

Why does Fermi level has a probability density of 1/2 while it may lie in the forbidden region?

2 votes

Collinearity of two infrared (10.6um) beams

2 votes

Complex numbers in optics

1 vote

Redirecting light beams from beam splitters

1 vote

Can a Chemical's Opacity be Deduced Mathematically?

1 vote

On solving a two lens system

1 vote

photon polarization, uncertainty in Energy

1 vote

Experiment under ambient light

1 vote

Polarized Filtering Frequency Shift?