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Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
Ilmari Karonen
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
564 votes

How does light bend around my finger tip?

170 votes

Why can't we see images reflected on a piece of paper?

85 votes

Why do chimneys have these spiral "wings"?

75 votes

How does a half-life work?

61 votes

How to escape the center of a room without gravity?

46 votes

Why does medium not affect the frequency of sound?

41 votes

Why do travelling waves continue after amplitude sum = 0?

35 votes

Could a hard drive actually have been erased as described in Cryptonomicon?

35 votes

Is Feynman's explanation of how the moon stays in orbit wrong?

29 votes

Are the air particles in today's wind on earth (more or less) the same as the air 2/3 billion years ago?

29 votes

What does Einstein mean by “mollusc” in chapter 29 of His book Relativity?

29 votes

Why are there so many objects perfectly orbiting each other? Isn't it infinitely more likely that two random objects crash/fly apart?

28 votes

How to interpret the units of the dot or cross product of two vectors?

24 votes

Why would two different sized bikes not arrive at the same time starting from rest on the same slope?

22 votes

Impact location that created the moon

17 votes

Do the probability density and the probability current density have a unit

15 votes

Why is a hard sphere gas correlated?

13 votes

Does the unit of a quantity change if you take square root of it?

12 votes

Would you feel Centrifugal Force without Friction?

11 votes

What happens when the centripetal force is equal and opposite to the centrifugal force?

11 votes

Sauna thermodynamics

11 votes

Two planets in same orbit - not planets?

10 votes

Why are expressions such as $\operatorname{ln}T$ used in thermodynamics where $T$ is not dimensionless?

10 votes

How to measure resistance of a piece of wire?

9 votes

Symmetry in resistor circuits

8 votes

Does the electromagnetic wave have a lateral extension?

8 votes

Why can’t you feel the collision of each air molecule?

7 votes

Newtonian mechanics: massless particles

7 votes

How can we see the moon while it's between the Earth and the Sun?

7 votes

Why does tossing a coin in a train and on a train differ?