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Quantumplate's user avatar
Quantumplate's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • New Zealand
11 votes

Would time freeze if you could travel at the speed of light?

11 votes

Doesn't a box holding a vacuum weigh the same as a box full of air?

5 votes

Why Light isn't like an Acoustic wave?

4 votes

Why and how is the speed of light in vacuum constant, i.e., independent of reference frame?

4 votes

Why is Graphene Transparent?

4 votes

How do we know that time dilation applies to objects other than light?

3 votes

Fliping a coin while moving at 99.9% speed of light

2 votes

How can the 'choice' of a photon said to be delayed?

2 votes

If Julian Barbour is Correct, is the Speed of Light Special?

1 vote

If the vacuum is not "emptiness" why the speed of the electromagnetic wave is independent of the frame of reference?

1 vote

Black Holes and Light

1 vote

Viewing a Time-Dilated Space

1 vote

What happens in extrema cases of red shift?

1 vote

Can you stop an electron in vacuum?

1 vote

What happens to black holes if/when the universe "ends"

1 vote

Relativity and light speed communication

1 vote

Why does the electron wave function collapse in a double slit experiment?

0 votes

Is there any way to create the distinction between time slowing down and clocks slowing down?

0 votes

Question about Light Clocks (Intro Relativity)

0 votes

Is the one-way speed of light in vacuum different depending on direction?

0 votes

"Moving" clocks

0 votes

Relativity of Simultaneity- Train Experiment with 2 Countries signing Contract

0 votes

Why the electromagnetic waves propagate and do not stand still?

0 votes

How do we expect distance measurements to compare inside and outside the event horizon of a black hole?

0 votes

What would we see if a camera orbiting close to light speed beamed down images of us on earth?

0 votes

Red shifted photons lost energy in which form?

0 votes

Wave interference

0 votes

Will the particle reach other end?

0 votes

Distribution of gravitational force on a non-rotating oblate spheroid

0 votes

How does matter transform into energy and vice versa?