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Luaan's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
82 votes

Why is it cold on the sea floor if pressure heats things?

64 votes

Why is air not sucked off the Earth?

58 votes

Why is it possible to drive a nail into a piece of wood with a hammer, but it is not possible to push a nail in by hand?

44 votes

What is behind the definitions of work and energy?

37 votes

How does the light source fire a single photon in the double-slit experiment

37 votes

Why do we feel heat from infrared light but not from shorter wavelengths?

35 votes

Can sugar be affected by a magnetic field?

34 votes

Is there anything in the universe that cannot be compressed?

28 votes

Does information have mass?

21 votes

Why does a system try to minimize its total energy?

18 votes

How do we know neutrons have no charge?

16 votes

Why can't we produce gravitational waves in the lab?

15 votes

How radioactive is uranium?

12 votes

How can we see an atom now? What was the scale of this equipment?

11 votes

Why does matter exist in 3 states (liquids, solid, gas)?

11 votes

Other explanation for cosmological redshift?

10 votes

Why isn't the color of a molecule a combination of the colors of its component atoms?

10 votes

Can there be an atomic nucleus where there are more protons than neutrons?

7 votes

Conservation of Mass and Energy

6 votes

Do photons occupy space?

5 votes

How do neutrinos pass through the sun so quickly?

5 votes

The speed of light upon reflection

5 votes

How are neutrons made?

5 votes

Why is matter-antimatter asymmetry surprising, if asymmetry can be generated by a random walk in which particles go into black holes?

5 votes

Why does water boil in bubbles?

4 votes

Why can electric cars recoup energy from braking, but a spaceship cannot?

4 votes

Could a candle theoretically melt iron?

4 votes

Why does the sun make me feel warm?

3 votes

What was the initial source of energy?

3 votes

Why are people weightless whilst in orbit around the Earth? ISS? Satellites?