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Kostya's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
264 votes

Do we know why there is a speed limit in our universe?

68 votes

What is the difference between implicit, explicit, and total time dependence, e.g. $\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}$ and $\frac{d \rho} {dt}$?

52 votes

Calculus of variations -- how does it make sense to vary the position and the velocity independently?

51 votes

What is the usefulness of the Wigner-Eckart theorem?

46 votes

Why does one experience a short pull in the wrong direction when a vehicle stops?

39 votes

What physical evidence is there that subatomic particles pop in and out of existence?

38 votes

What is so special about speed of light in vacuum?

36 votes

Paradox regarding phase transitions in relativistic systems

35 votes

Do photons gain mass when they travel through glass?

34 votes

Why can't a single photon produce an electron-positron pair?

25 votes

Interference of polarized light

22 votes

If the observable universe were compressed into a super massive black hole, how big would it be?

20 votes

Why is Higgs Boson given the name "The God Particle"?

20 votes

What would happen if Large Hadron Collider would collide electrons?

20 votes

At CERN - What do you call the moment (event) particles crash together in the particle accelerator?

18 votes

Vacuum Expectation Value and the Minima of the Potential

18 votes

Guessing what a simple partial differential equation is describing physically

17 votes

Since radioactive material decays how is it possible that there is any left after 4.5 billion years?

16 votes

Are water waves (i.e. on the surface of the ocean) longitudinal or transverse?

15 votes

What physics does occur at short distances in QED?

15 votes

Why does the (relativistic) mass of an object increase when its speed approaches that of light?

14 votes

Meaning of the Poisson bracket as a coordinate transformation

14 votes

What are the alternatives to the Higgs mechanism?

13 votes

Your favorite Physics/Astrophysics blogs?

13 votes

Can energy be taken out of the QFT vacuum?

12 votes

Zero magnetization of spin model without external magnetic field

11 votes

Software for physics calculations

11 votes

A pedestrian explanation of Renormalization Groups - from QED to classical field theories

10 votes

Why is there a breakdown in Kolmogorov scaling in turbulence?

10 votes

How does Fraunhofer diffraction depend on the orientation of the sides of a lens?

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