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Jun_Gitef17's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Entropy in chaos dynamics

5 votes

What is a stoquastic Hamiltonian?

2 votes

Is there possible isentropic phase transition?

2 votes

Calculation of canonical partition function for fermion system with degenerate energy levels

2 votes

Is there a name for a Heisenberg-like model, but instead of the ZZ operator, we have one that favor only spin-up-spin-up configurations?

1 vote

Intuition for smaller upper critical dimension in quantum statistical physics

1 vote

Sublattice Magnetization of Heisenberg Model on triangular lattice

1 vote

How can quantum fluctuations lead to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking?

1 vote

Does there exist a 2d continuous phase transition that is first-order in mean-field theory and satisfies the Harris criterion $\nu>1$?

1 vote

"By saddle-node" meaning?

1 vote

Possible divergence of susceptibility without spontaneous symmetry breaking?

1 vote

Why aren't completely random quantum states 'physical'?

1 vote

Phase transitions in the XXZ model

0 votes

Equilibrium in physics

0 votes

Is RG fixed point always related to a second-order phase transition?

0 votes

Information theory in classical mechanics

0 votes

Boltzmann and Gibbs entropy

0 votes

Phase transition in Ising Model with local $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry