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KlausK's user avatar
KlausK's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 10 months
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4 votes

What is the lagrangian of Einstein field equations

3 votes

Is there a quantum gravity theory where ''space is discrete''?

2 votes

Shapiro time delay

2 votes

Is measurement or interaction what collapses that wavefunction?

1 vote

Conserving energy in newtonian mechanics

0 votes

How do we introduce an hour as a time unit?

0 votes

What is the correct intuitive definition of a Pauli spinor?

0 votes

What are the minimum requirements for a new fundamental theory?

0 votes

Does the Standard Model of Particle Physics actually state that particles don't exist?

0 votes

What prevents two particles that made a black hole to unmake it?

0 votes

Does the Planck limit on the probability density of wave functions have any measurable effect?

0 votes

What does it mean to day that the Webb telescope can see objects 13.6 billion light years away?

-1 votes

Has MOND been tested or even confirmed for our own galaxy, the Milky Way?