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  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
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11 votes

When can we take the Brillouin zone to be a sphere?

8 votes

Why is disorder essential for the Integer Quantum Hall effect IQHE?

6 votes

What is the physics behind "Bulk-edge correspondence"?

5 votes

What is imaginary time?

5 votes

Topological indices for systems that lack translational invariance

5 votes

Resources for algebraic topology in condensed matter physics

4 votes

How are topological invariants constructed?

4 votes

How to show that Chern number gives the amount of edge states?

4 votes

Functional Derivative in the Linear Sigma Model

3 votes

What is the nature of electric field? is it quantized? is it a wave?

2 votes

The relation between classical and quantum vacua

2 votes

Velocity and acceleration with displacement

2 votes

How do I choose my constants?

2 votes

Does Hall plateus require the existence of impurity in the sample?

2 votes

What makes a system topological?

2 votes

Relation between topological insulators and breaking of time reversal symmetry

2 votes

Reference for topology for topological insulators

2 votes

Multi-instanton contribution to path integral

2 votes

Is the Hilbert space spanned by both bound and continuous hydrogen atom eigenfunctions?

2 votes

Why topologically non-trivial materials are robust againist any external perturbations or defects?

1 vote

Show that the density operator is positive semidefinite

1 vote

Chern number for nonintracing hamiltonian while bands crossing

1 vote

Non-integer topological invariants

1 vote

How to calculate $\sigma_{xx}$ in lattice model?

1 vote

Pulling apart the atoms of a topological insulator

1 vote

Why hopping amplitude with no negative sign?

1 vote

How to perform stroboscopic measurements for Floquet topological insulators?

1 vote

Winding number for the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model

1 vote

What is "quantum" in topological insulators?

1 vote

Significance of Dirac cones in condensed matter physics