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Fredrik Sy's user avatar
Fredrik Sy
  • Member for 3 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
27 votes

How is data transferred between devices?

15 votes

Can the fish topple the bowl?

11 votes

Why is the time of flight of a projectile on an inclined plane equal to twice the time taken to reach maximum distance normal to incline?

9 votes

Does Pythagoras theorem hold for length contraction according to Special relativity?

6 votes

How do liquid crystals rotate the plane of polarized light (electric field of light) which is used in LCD displays?

3 votes

Thought experiment on Special Relativity (SR)

2 votes

Example for velocity being inversely proportional to force

2 votes

Friction on a car

1 vote

Paraxial approximation

1 vote

Imhomegenous Wave Equation: Possible Born and Wolf Error

0 votes

A basic book (undergraduate level similar to Halliday and Resnick) about light scattering

-1 votes

Inclined Stationary Bike