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Serge Hulne's user avatar
Serge Hulne
  • Member for 3 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
31 votes

What does the minus sign in Maxwell's third equation imply?

15 votes

What is a linear system?

14 votes

Why does a hollow and solid sphere expand the same volume when heated to the same temperature? Explain it quantitatively, not via a formula

9 votes

Why doesn't the double-slit experiment violate the uncertainty principle?

8 votes

Is there any fundamental reason why acceleration is a linear function of external forces?

6 votes

Parallelogram law of vectors

3 votes

Can electromagnetic field(EMF) meter used to detect electromagnetic pulse(EMP)?

3 votes

Is semiconductor theory really based on quantum mechanics?

3 votes

What exactly is force? What is its source or origin?

3 votes

Speed of electromagnetic wave in a medium

2 votes

Calculating radioactive decay

2 votes

Types of light-matter interaction

2 votes

Oscillation of a spring and added mass

2 votes

Electric field of an electron when r is zero

2 votes

Why does quantum mechanics "collapse" without the uncertainty principle?

2 votes

Why is a subwoofer bigger than a tweeter?

2 votes

How does the second law of thermodynamics function when a system is at maximum entropy?

2 votes

Are there any explanations for Inertia at atomic level?

2 votes

Electron beam can damange a material surface?

1 vote

(Misunderstood) special relativity and equivalence of motion

1 vote

Current variation in photoelectric effect

1 vote

Is it possible to convert a normal force into a vertical force of a moving object into the direction of travel?

1 vote

Harmonic wave (infinite length and duration)

1 vote

How can escape velocity be independent of the direction of projection of a body?

1 vote

Can electric field pass through a charge particle so that the charge particle behind the one can get energy?

1 vote

Why is acoustic intensity inversely proportional to density of the medium?

1 vote

Problem with intuitive explanation of charge distribution between three-plate capacitor

1 vote

Carlo Rovelli, Order of Time, time and events

1 vote

A runner against the wind

1 vote

Does the number of field lines crossing an area depend upon angle between them?