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Vercassivelaunos's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Expected Gaussian distribution on screen in Stern-Gerlach Experiment

1 vote

Trying to intuitively understand how temperature relates to entropy

1 vote

Clarification on Work Done by Electrostatic Force Along Arbitrary Paths in Feynman's Lectures

1 vote

Why does interference pattern remain constant?

0 votes

Momentum conservation and collisions

0 votes

Why must a constraint force be normal?

0 votes

Can the age of the universe actually be calculated through Hubble's constant?

0 votes

What is the energy of a photon reflected off of a moving mirror?

0 votes

Will a different force act on particles with the exact same charge but different masses in a magnetic field?

0 votes

Possible measurements of an observable described by an operator composed of two identical states

0 votes

Why is the effect of Coulomb's force the same on more than two charges?

0 votes

Direction of displacement

0 votes

Is Newton's gravitational acceleration centripetal instead of attractive?

0 votes

How can a system be in superposition when there’s a force associated with it?

0 votes

Isn't defining the unit of length in terms of the speed of light kind of faulty?