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Adil Mohammed's user avatar
Adil Mohammed
  • Member for 4 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
12 votes

What is wrong with the high-school definition of a vector?

11 votes

Why is the current entering a conductor the same as the one exiting it?

4 votes

Why is kinetic energy a scalar, if we require additional information to represent all it's intrinsic properties?

2 votes

If $\mathbf{F}_{net} = m\mathbf{a}$ then how is $m\mathbf{a}$ not a force?

1 vote

Do photons go through one another?

1 vote

Is there a relationship between $p, d, f, d$... orbitals and $p, d$... block elements?

1 vote

What's the heat capacity of pizza?

1 vote

Need help in clarifying my understanding regarding absorption and emission spectrum

0 votes

Finding Shift due to Refraction in Multiple Slabs when the object and viewer are in different medium

0 votes

How can current flow without voltage?