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joigus's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Europe
10 votes

Why do physicists use the Bra and Ket notation when mathematicians tend not to?

8 votes

Canonical commutation relationship with general operators?

5 votes

How can an object float on the surface of a fluid?

5 votes

Does the age of the universe depend upon a specific choice of referential?

5 votes

Simultaneity of events

5 votes

The definition of Quasi-static process?

4 votes

Equations homogeneous in $X$ and $y$

4 votes

How is the kinetic matrix of a Lagrangian defined?

4 votes

Why is current in a circuit constant if there is a constant electric field?

4 votes

Function of an operator on a Hilbert space

3 votes

Relativistic Lagrangian for massive particles

3 votes

Why only heat energy is linked with entropy?

3 votes

How does energy compares to Momentum? (Besides the direction and the linear & quadratic relationship)

3 votes

When is a Hamiltonian Galilean invariant?

3 votes

Does the collapse of the wave function happen immediately everywhere?

3 votes

Why can no observer measure proper time here?

3 votes

Generalizing the Lorentz force law in 4-vector notation

3 votes

How is energy dissipated if force exists in action and reaction pairs?

2 votes

Why do fruits left to dry in the sun feel so much warmer to the touch than other objects outside?

2 votes

Vector representation in dual space

2 votes

Can I apply the Born rule to a Dirac spinor?

2 votes

Constraints are not functional relations!

2 votes

Intuition as to why a constant four-acceleration must be zero

2 votes

Superposition of two states with different number of particles

2 votes

Why is angular momentum $mvr$ and not $mvr^2$ or $mvr^3$?

2 votes

Why can't a non-coordinate basis be expressed as derivatives with respect to any coordinates?

2 votes

Contravariant tensor definition must be incorrect?

2 votes

Showing that $E_{\alpha}$ and $B_{\alpha}$ is spacelike

2 votes

Help with tensor calculus identity proof (antisymmetric matrix and levi civita symbol)

2 votes

Which particles can be described as an excitation of the electromagnetic field?