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Clara Díaz Sanchez's user avatar
Clara Díaz Sanchez
  • Member for 5 years
  • Last seen this week
  • Madrid, Spain
60 votes

Cause of weightlessness

17 votes

Do the hydrogen atom's electron orbitals have Gaussian probability density functions?

7 votes

Is power equal to $\vec{F}\cdot\vec{v}$ where $\vec{F}$ is force and $\vec{v}$ is velocity?

5 votes

Simple Kirchoff's Law Problem

5 votes

Quantum gravity experiment with BEC

5 votes

Ground state magnetization of the Heisenberg XXZ chain

5 votes

Particle-Hole symmetry of the Hubbard Hamiltonian

5 votes

Infinite EMF produced in transformer

4 votes

What does it mean when a particle is an eigenstate of the charge conjugation operator?

4 votes

Conversion of elastic potential energy in free fall

4 votes

Actual velocity of an non-accelerating object in Newtonian physics

4 votes

Is the E field generally conservative outside the cases when vector potential goes to zero?

3 votes

Why do the $L_z$ and $L^2$ operators share eigenfunctions, but the $L_x$ and $L_y$ operators don't?

3 votes

Moving charge generates magnetic field - mostly current?

3 votes

Capacitance absurd equation in textbook help

3 votes

Isobaric spin $T = 0$ and Pauli-exclusion principle

3 votes

What is a good definition for what this article talking about when it refers to "Universal Physics"?

3 votes

Is the equation $g=GM_Em/R_E^2$ in Tipler incorrect?

3 votes

Analogue black hole

2 votes

Does it take 41 Hiroshima "Little Boy" bombs worth of energy to send ISS in orbit?

2 votes

How to check if a wavefunction is continuous everywhere or not?

2 votes

Floquet bandstructure calculation

2 votes

Why the energy bands for edge states are not periodic?

2 votes

Lattice vs Superlattice

2 votes

Why for a large displacement of a mass tied to a string is not SHM

2 votes

Two Point Source Interference: Why No Interference Occurs When Source Separation is Shorter than Wavelength?

2 votes

Is the SSH model a tight binding model?

2 votes

Anisotropic vs Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator

2 votes

Local density in SSH model

2 votes

Electronic band structure calculation using plane wave expansion: what are the diagonal matrix elements for a coulomb potential?