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Mr Anderson's user avatar
Mr Anderson
  • Member for 4 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
38 votes

What is the reason that Quantum Mechanics is random?

9 votes

Does information have mass?

8 votes

Bush fires and heat waves, the real mechanics?

5 votes

Can photons form a black hole?

4 votes

Observational status of Sciama's hypothesis

4 votes

What is so problematic in the information paradox?

3 votes

How was entropy understood before the development of statatistical thermodynamics?

3 votes

Does the fact that there are two different mathematical definitions of entropy imply there are two different kinds of entropy?

3 votes

How can black holes possibly drive accelerating expansion of the universe?

3 votes

Does lookback time resolve the Hubble tension?

2 votes

What is the correlation between the Hubble tension and Dark Energy?

2 votes

Contradiction in maximum entropy principle

2 votes

Many Worlds: under which conditions does the branching happen?

2 votes

What conceivable connection is there between the cosmological constant and radius of the Universe?

2 votes

Is there a rotational analog for Newton's laws of motion?

2 votes

What is the true nature of gravity?

2 votes

Thermal radiation contains no information?

1 vote

How do subatomic particles have mass, velocity, spin etc if they are waves?

1 vote

Why hasn't the false vacuum collapsed yet?

1 vote

What was the informational content of the universe at the Planck time?

1 vote

Will the entropy of the universe be every real number (greater than whatever it currently is)?

1 vote

How does the second law of thermodynamics function when a system is at maximum entropy?

1 vote

Why are the radius of the observable universe and radius of curvature of dark energy almost the same?

1 vote

What are the current theoretical solutions to the Hubble Tension?

1 vote

About the "worst prediction in all of physics": the cosmological problem

1 vote

Travel and locate extra dimensions

1 vote

In Jacobson's theory, space is thermodynamic. But what about the temperature of electromagnetic radiation?

1 vote

Does this thought experiment violate de Broglie hypothesis?

1 vote

Why does Wheeler's bag of gold solution contradict the holographic principle and a black hole does not?

1 vote

Entropy of de-Sitter spacetime and the $10^{120}$ vacuum discrepency